・Interesting. I cried. Never seen a play like this before, so I was very moved. I grinned when they say something about movies I know, and the story was interesting. Interested in seeing the other productions, so I'm gonna watch them too.
・So caught up in the play from the opening that it didn't take long to finish. If I had more time and money, I'd have come to see this as many times as I wanted....
・Made me feel nostalgic, but it was fresh. It was good to see OURA's START AGAIN when he was in the university. Looking forward to seeing UPSIDE DOWN evolve in the future!
・It was great! I love START AGAIN so much. Got goosebumps just when the same theme music was played. The ending was so emotional. Personally, I think it's better than the original version. Everyone is too cute!
・So moved. I think this is the first time I've seen a play where everyone is so cute and good at acting. Especially, AYU AKIYOSHI was wonderful. I will continue to support you in your future activities.
・Just in time! Great Scott! Loving all the characters more and more, and it made me wanna watch their future forever. Team STA-GAY is the best!
・I love the characters and the story. The acting is good, the script is interesting, so I think it's perfect. And all the people in the show are so beautiful.
・I think my favorites is KINEMA. At first I thought, “What the heck is she?! She's so annoying!” but when it was revealed that she is HAJIME's daughter (spoiler), the gap was great. I have very mixed feelings: I want a sequel because I wanna see more, and I don't want a sequel because I'm satisfied with this one. Epic!
・Excited from the opening, laughed so much at MADAM's scenes, cried at TSUBASA's scenes, and was busy with emotions all the way to the curtain call!
・I read the synopsis and thought it sounded like a fun production. And the second half had me crying the whole time. I was deceived. SAKURA, HAJIME, and all the other characters were full of charm and made me laugh and cry. Especially, I love TSUBASA. Thank you very much for your wonderful work!